
Administración de correos

5 Lessons
8.7 hours
What you'll learn
At the end of this course, you’ll be able to find your way around your DAW
Know how to record your audio and MIDI tracks.
Plus, you'll know how to add and edit effects
Improve your mix and mastering of your songs.
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Bienes raíces


Bienes raíces

6 Lessons
12 hours
Todos los niveles
What you'll learn
"The difference between manual and automatic shooting and which one you should use.
You'll learn to use natural and artificial lighting in photos and understand the scale of white balance.
We’ll then go through 11 types of photography and learn the best gear and tips to use."
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Crear mi tienda en línea


Crear mi tienda en línea

(16 ratings)
50 Lessons
8.3 hours
Todos los niveles
What you'll learn
Recursos descargables para diferentes lecciones
Documentos legales para que tu negocio este en internet
Diploma de la certificación de curso
Recompensa por certificarte
Todos los niveles

Web hosting (cPanel)


Web hosting (cPanel)

76 Lessons
9.1 hours
Todos los niveles
What you'll learn
Explicación de cada módulo para dar mayor funcionalida a tu hosting
Diploma de la certificación de curso
Recompensa por certificarte
Selecciona tu país/región