Crear mi página web
What you'll learn
Recursos descargables para diferentes lecciones
Documentos legales para que tu negocio este en internet
Diploma de la certificación de curso
Recompensa por certificarte
Módulos para tienda en línea
What you'll learn
Explicación de cada módulo para dar mayor funcionalida a tu tienda web
Diploma de la certificación de curso
Recompensa por certificarte
Administrar mi tienda en línea
What you'll learn
Recursos descargables para diferentes lecciones
Documentos legales para que tu negocio este en internet
Diploma de la certificación de curso
Recompensa por certificarte
Módulos para página web
What you'll learn
Explicación de cada módulo para dar mayor funcionalida a tu sitio web
Diploma de la certificación de curso
Recompensa por certificarte
Módulos para tienda en línea
What you'll learn
Explicación de cada módulo para dar mayor funcionalida a tu tienda web
Diploma de la certificación de curso
Recompensa por certificarte
What you'll learn
Become a highly engaging trainer for corporate training
Become an effective learning designer for the 21st century classroom
Agencias de viajes
What you'll learn
Master him/herself in Adobe Lightroom
Master in Photo Editing
Feel confident to add adobe lightroom in Resume
Punto de venta para productos
What you'll learn
Diploma de la certificación de curso
Recompensa por certificarte
¿Cómo configurar mi correo?
What you'll learn
You'll be able to sing with much more control, confidence, consistency, and better overall tone.
You'll be able to sing much higher than you did before this course - with MUCH less strain.
You'll be able to sing with much better technique - saving your voice from future damage.
Google Shopping Ads
What you'll learn
Have valuable skills that will help you effectively build a strong community of Instagram followers
Convert them to paying customers, and finally sell them your products and services.
You'll also receive practice activities, live demonstrations, and helpful resources
Gathering a strong relevant following, to increasing the profit of your business.
Facebook, Instagram y WhatsApp
What you'll learn
Diploma de la certificación de curso
Recompensa por certificarte
What you'll learn
Diploma de la certificación de curso
Recompensa por certificarte